07 February 2007

Your Chance To Make A Difference

Cardiovascular Disease Foundation 5K Walk For Life & Free Health Fair

On February 25, 2007 in Carlsbad (North County San Diego), CA.


Warm up with a light aerobic work-out. Then join Carlsbad Mayor "Bud" Lewis for a walk along the beach to fight heart disease and stroke, while taking in the beautiful coastal scenery of Carlsbad!

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Register or make a donation online to Walk For Life today.

Cardiovascular Disease Foundation's mission is to lessen human suffering from cardiovascular diseases and improve the quality of life for its people through prevention, research and education.

The Cardiovascular Disease Foundation was established in order to help people benefit from the great strides made in the treatment, detection and prevention of cardiac and vascular diseases. With your help, we will beat heart disease.

~Exercise Your Passion For Life!

06 February 2007

Know Your Heart

Did you watch the Super Bowl this weekend? If you did, one of the commercials provided a visual of how high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and being overweight "beats-up" the unsuspecting human heart. It's not a very emotionally powerful visual, but it does cause one to stop and think about their heart....least I hope it did.

Remember, many people at risk for heart disease go undetected because hypertension provides no symptoms to the person who has it. A physically fit looking person could very well suffer from hypertension and be at risk and not know it.

Click on the photo below and you can learn more about your risks, or the risks of those you care about, for a heart attack.

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In addition to knowing your risks, here are other ways to reduce your risks of heart disease:

Get active. Many of us lead sedentary lives, exercising infrequently or not at all. People who don't exercise have higher rates of circulatory disease and death compared to people who perform even mild to moderate amounts of physical activity. Even leisure-time activities like gardening or walking can lower your risk of heart disease.

Eat right. Eat a heart-healthy diet low in fat and cholesterol. Try to increase the amounts of vitamins you eat, especially antioxidants, which have been proven to lower your risk for heart disease.

~Exercise Your Passion For Life!

02 February 2007

Choose A Healthy Heart

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To urge Americans to join the battle against cardiovascular diseases, February has been declared "American Heart Month." Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of American men and women. More of our health care dollars go toward the treatment of cardiovascular disease than any other disease.

There are many steps each of us can take to prevent and manage circulatory disease and to live a long, healthy life. Celebrate "Heart Month" this year by determining your risk for developing heart disease and learning how to reduce your risk factors.

What's Your Risk Profile?
Risk factors for heart disease are typically labeled "uncontrollable" or "controllable." The main uncontrollable risk factors are older age, male gender, family history of heart disease, and race. (Statistics show that, on average, blacks and Mexican Americans are more likely to have heart disease than whites.)

Even if you have uncontrollable risk factors for heart disease, it doesn't mean that you can't take steps to limit your risk. Researchers say that controllable risk factors -- smoking, physical inactivity, overweight or obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and diabetes -- are all major influences on the development and severity of heart disease.

Reduce Your Risk
In the up-coming days, I will share with you ways to reduce your risk factors for heart disease. Today, I will touch on the first mentioned risk factor, which is COMPLETELY within your control.

Quit smoking. Smokers have more than twice the risk for heart attack than non-smokers and are much more likely to die if they suffer a heart attack. Smoking is also the most preventable risk factor for heart disease. If you smoke, quit. There are many Wellness Programs available which are designed to allow you to choose the smoking cessation program or technique - patches, gum, group support programs, hypnosis - that will work best for you.

~Exercise Your Passion For Life!